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Thanks for your warm support

We have received a massive wave of support and sympathy by mail and in social media after being forced to cancel Skarverennet due to the corona virus situation. You tell us to carry on and encourage us to start planning next year’s race, and we are pretty impressed and overwhelmed by you finding the time to think of us in these difficult times. Thank you all, thank you very much!

We do as we are told and are happy to announce that the date for Skarverennet 2021 is set, April 17th.

Practical 2020 refund information

Arranging the Skarverennet race is by far the most important event funding all the activities our sports club Geilo IL do for our members including kids. This year’s coronavirus cancellation, which we accepted immediately due to the publicly well known health risk, will influence our economy and other activities. That having been said we have put funds aside during many successful years of arrangement to prepare for difficult times.

We would very much appreciate to welcome you all back next year, and due to that offer an improved 70% refund on your prepaid 2020 admission fee, which is better than previously published under our terms & conditions.

As an additional benefit we will provide you exclusive pre-registration to Skarverennet 2021. We will notify you in a few days time regarding this priority option offered to registered 2020 participants only.

Step-by-step guide to refund

Our payment solutions partner, EQ Timing, will send a separate refund instructional mail (March 30th, 2020) to all registered billing addresses. Following the instructions will lead to two options:

1) I want to support Skarverennet/Geilo IL by not claiming a refund.

We have received a number of mails and comments from participants wanting to support us by not claiming their refund, and we are forever grateful to all. At the same time we also understand that many do want to claim their refund, especially in these challenging times of uncertainty.

If you don´t want to claim your refund, no action is required.

2) 70% refund claim

Follow the instructions given in the mail from EQ Timing (March 30th, 2020). Please note that you must place your claim no later than May 1st 2020.



Togene fyller seg raskt opp

Noen dager har gått siden påmeldingen åpnet, og det fyller seg opp i Skarverennet 2025. Vi har allerede solgt 5 500 av     10 000 plasser og flere av togene til...

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Skarverennet på 1 dag, kan det bli enklere eller «grønnere»!

Dagstur, tur/retur samme dag, fra Bergen eller Oslo til Finse, distansen 37 km.   Vi har egne «Skarverennstog» som starter tidlig om morgenen i Oslo og Bergen....

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Meld deg på i tide!

Det er tid for påmelding til Skarverennet 2025, et av verdens vakreste skieventyr. Årets renn ble utsolgt og neste års renn, som går av stabelen 26. april, har...

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”Vårens vakreste eventyr”

Vil du bli oppdatert jevnlig om nyheter og informasjon om Skarverennet? Alt du trenger å gjøre er å klikke deg inn under her, og vi vil dele vår informasjon med deg. Du kan når som helst avmelde deg om du ønsker dette.