Opening hours Geilohallen:
Thursday from 3 PM to 22 PM
Friday from 10 AM to 11 PM
Saturday From 05.30 AM to 19 PM
Opening hours Finse stasjon:
Friday from 17 PM to 9 PM
Saturday From 06.30 AM to 11.30 AM
Day trip participants from Oslo or Bergen get their start numbers sent to them in early April. This is the train ticket.
The others may fetch their start numbers at Geilo or Finse. This is carefully described in the starting card that is being sent to your registered email address by the end of March.
Numbers are to be carried visibly (ON CHEST – competition class).
Your start number is your ticket to bus/train and regulates which train you take to the starting point. YOU MUST ABIDE BY THIS. To gain admittance to the station area or bus, the entire number must be clearly visible on the outside of your outerwear. Without the correct number or correct alternative, you will not be admitted on the bus/train. On the start number of every participant there is a built in chip (one-time use only). This enables us as organizers to see who has started from Finse/Haugastøl and arrived at the finishing line at Ustaoset.
If you take over a start number from another participant, the seller must transfer ownership in the member registry system. There is a fee of 100 NOK to transfer ownership of start numbers. You will receive an invoice by email from EQ Timing. The change of name is registered for security reasons, so that we know who each participant in the race is.
How to sell a start number:
To sell your place in the race, click here.
To take over a start number:
To take over a paid place in the race, click here.
Click here to enter your page
Girls (youth), junior women and senior women start 12.00 AM.
Boys (youth), junior men and senior men start 12.15 AM.
Entry of wrong name of participant in the competition class is automatic ground for disqualification.
Runners in competition class who start without a backpack will be disqualified.
Important: Water/drink is available especially for competition runners, in the left lane. These will be situated just ahead of the drinking stations.
The competition track runs from Finse to Ustaoset for 37 kilometers. It is marked “competition”. It is for free technique and runs to the left of the trail marker, where there is a skating lane. This lane must be followed if you want your intermediate times registered. Skating is not allowed until the marked line is crossed, approximately 100 meters after start. Failure to comply leads to disqualification.
About 6 kilometers before the finish line and 1-2 kilometers after the last sprint prize, competition runners are to cross over to the right side of the trail and stay on that side until the finish. Follow instructions from guards and signs.
Organizers reserve the right to proclaim one winner per class.
Timing ends at 5 PM, and the finishing area will be closed at 6 PM. The secretariat closes at 6:30 PM.
Participants must have turned 15 in 2024.
In the 15-16 years age class there is a national ban on fluoride that Skarverennet abides by.
Exercise runners from Finse may start at will after the first train arrives at Finse at 6.45 AM and all the way until 12.15 AM. Runners starting before or after these times are not to be considered actual participants in the race.
The track from Finse to Ustaoset is 37 kilometers long. The right-hand lane is for exercisers until about 1-2 kilometers after the last sprint prize. After that, exercisers follow the left-hand lane until the finish line. The trail is prepared for skating technique and also has prepared tracks and is marked TRIM (Exercise).
Beware of the steep inclination and change in altitude from Finse. The climb is 4 kilometers long. The air is thin, and a lack of oxygen can become an issue if you start out too hard. When going downhill, beware NOT to enter the competition lane. Competition runners come at high speed and accidents can easily happen.
Exercise runners from Haugastøl can start at will between 8.30 AM and 11.30 PM. The trails from Haugastøl to Ustaoset are 25 kilometers long. They are prepared for skating technique and are also prepared with tracks. From Hellevatn to Ustaoset, runners follow the same lane as the Finse exercise class.
The trails are prepared by snow groomers from Finse/Haugastøl to Ustaoset on the day of the run. If there is a need to refresh the tracks, this will be done by a snow groomer or snow scooters. Be aware of this!
The Skarverennet is the skiing experience of the year during optimal conditions. But depending on the weather, it can also be a rough ride. If you feel the weather is too rough at Finse before start, it is better to take the train back to Ustaoset/Geilo. The train returns from Finse at 12.16 AM.
There are first aid teams and radio communications at each drinking station. The Red Cross patrols along the trails and snow scooters follow whoever is last on the trail at any given time. If for some reason you need to interrupt the race, please contact our safety/health personnel or one of our scooter patrols. The start number must still be attached to the runner’s clothes during transport out of the mountains. Making sure you follow the trail is your responsibility. The Skarverennet assumes no responsibility for you if you do not follow the marked tracks en route to the finish line at Ustaoset.
There will be a doctor at Finse, in the locales of Finse Red Cross Emergency corps from 7 AM and at Ustaoset, Red Cross/Helseekspressen, from 9 AM.
Exercise class: All runners have paid for insurance through their starting fee (insurance through Norges Skiforbund, 60 NOK). The one-time license for races in Norway is paid to the organizer when you sign up.
Competition class: Competition runners must have a one-time license if they do not have a year-round license. This is an accident insurance and covers accidents you may have during the race. The one-time license for the competition class is: Runners 13-25 years, 60 NOK. Runners 26 years and above, 150 NOK.
Insurance in case of cancellation or lost equipment is optional and each participant’s responsibility.
Injuries are to be reported in an injury report form, here.
You are responsible for filling it out and sending it to:
Club: Geilo Idrettslag
Address: Geilohallen
3580 Geilo
Contact: Geilo IL
Club number: GR06200004420
Norges Skiforbund has an office that deals with questions regarding insurance.
Email: [email protected]
For security reasons all participants must carry a backpack. This is for your own safety, and your own responsibility as a mountain skier.
The backpack must contain:
Warm and windproof change of clothes
Extra drink
At all 3 drinking stations and in the finishing area will serve Lerum Juice and water. The last drinking station, at Raggemyran, closes at 5 PM. Here you can also get Red Bull, energy drinks and Norwegian non-alcoholic malt beer.
For competition runners there are separate drinking areas in the left lane. These lie slightly ahead of drinking stations.
There will be trail guides along the trail. They will be wearing SWIX clothing or banners, and will be able to help you with ski wax, sunscreen etc.
There will be SWIX waxing service stations at the start at Finse and Haugastøl, and at every drinking station. Ski poles can be borrowed in the starting areas as well as 800 meters after start at Finse and at all the drinking stations. All borrowed ski poles MUST be delivered back to SWIX in the finishing area.
An unofficial scoreboard will be viewable at the secretariat in the finishing area at Ustaoset. You will find the lists of results hereas well, and you can obtain a diploma for your participation.
Awards go to 1/4th (25%) of participants in the competition class, as registered by April 17. Awards for the six best runners in total, ladies and men, as well as sprint awards and awards for the best girl and boy in the 15-16 years class. These will be given out in the finishing area around 2 PM.
The remaining awards (by class) can be obtained in the awards tent by the podium at Ustaoset at the day of the race from 2.30 PM, and in Geilohallen on Sunday between 10 AM and 3 PM.
There are 3 sprint awards, these are announced by signs 100 meters before the passing point.
The Finse sprint:
2.8 kilometers after start at Finse, on the top of the hill by Finsevann. The Folarskard sprint: 21.4 kilometers after start and about 1 kilometer after the 2nd drinking station, Hellevatn.
29.9 km etter start og ca 2,5 km etter siste drikkestasjon, Raggemyran.
Contact the secretariat at Ustaoset or Geilohallen.
Technical delegate: Torbjørn Broks
Assistant technical delegate:
Race leader: Jan Henning Waldal
Race doctor: Helge Enerstvedt
ONLY competition runners and those with a day trip package with the Oslo and Bergen trains can send their luggage by return to Ustaoset. The luggage must be put in the assigned luggage spot at Finse station no later than 11 AM. Backpack/bag must be clearly marked with the start number. Use the luggage tag on the start number. Write name and telephone number on it.
You must gather the luggage from Ustaoset station immediately after arrival in the finishing area and no later than 7 PM. Unclaimed luggage will be brought to Geilohallen. You are sending your luggage at your own peril. The organizers do NOT insure your luggage.
Bagasjen sender du på eget ansvar, og den er IKKE forsikret av arrangør.
All lost luggage from the finishing area (does not include equipment from around the hotel or other places outside the finishing area) will be gathered at Geilohallen and can be collected there after 10 AM on Sunday, April 21. Unclaimed luggage will be sent to Fretex (Salvation Army) two weeks after the race.
Dogs or pulks/sleighs are not allowed in the race. Children who turn 10 in 2024 can participate in the exercise class. Youth who turn 15 in 2024 can participate in the competition class.
Signing up for the race is a binding agreement. No part of the starting fee will be refunded regardless of reasons the participant may not be able to attend.
There will be shower opportunities for ladies and men at Geilo community house. Opening hours: 10 AM to 6.30 PM.
While the Skarverennet organizational comittee are the organizers of the race, it is the Safety Group, consisting of the Sheriffs of Hol and Voss, and the Race leader of the Skarverennet who decide if the race should proceed or be cancelled depending on weather conditions.
Show consideration for Nature
The Skarverennet runs through a vulnerable high mountain area. Do not leave behind waste in the terrain. Bring waste with you down from the mountains, or use the waste disposal baskets at the drinking stations and in the finishing area. Norsk Gjenvinning (Norwegian Recycling) handles the waste to ensure an enviromentally sound processing of the waste.
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